3 Ways to improve your English communication skills

Are you looking for new ways to improve your English communication skills? Here are 3 easy ways:

1. Listen to English Speaking Shows
Find an interesting TV show, radio show, or even podcast that you can listen to both at home and on the go. Spend as much of your downtime as possible listening to spoken English. ITunes offers a great variety of hour long podcasts that you can directly download to your mp3 player. Listening to spoken English will help you improve your improve your vocabulary, learn better sentence structure and make learning the correct pronunciation of difficult words even easier.
2. Start A Blog
Use your hobbies, field of study or career path to help you learn English. While you may have a solid foundation in reading, writing and speaking in English, there will be many words that are specific to your hobbies, studies or career that will not come up in everyday conversations or during your English classes. To master these interest specific words, try writing a regular blog about subjects related to your field of study, interests or career path. Even if you are just summarizing articles in English, you will quickly become familiar with the English translations of words that you are already familiar with in your native language.
3. Use Ginger’s English Personal Trainer
Ginger’s English Personal Trainer keeps track of the mistakes that you make while writing both in MS Office and online in your browser and uses these errors to determine which are your weakest areas of English. Ginger will present you with personalized lessons based on your weak areas to help you fix your problematic areas of English.

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